Acupuncture, Cupping, Essential Oils, Tui Na, Chinese Herbs
Susan Lederfeind, L.Ac MSTOM, NCCAOM certified, MSPT
Susan is a licensed acupuncturist and physical therapist. Her journey into alternative methods of healing began over 25 years ago in Denver. After working as a PT for several years in a rehabilitation hospital, she started to seek out alternative healing methods; which led her to study acupuncture and herbology. Susan believes in the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal. It is very easy to get off the path of wellness, as the demands of our modern world easily take us astray. Acupuncture helps to restore balance in the body, mind, and spirit. Our bodies are infused with energy or a life force, called Qi (chee) in Eastern Medicine. This Qi/energy flows through all living things; and in our bodies these rivers of energy are called meridians. Life stressors can cause blockages of Qi in the meridians, and these blockages manifest in a wide host of symptoms or signals that your body and mind send to make you pay attention—it could be an aching back, or insomnia, hot flashes, digestive upset, headaches, irritability, or simply a longing for peace. We each have unique signals and acupuncture, Chinese medicine, can help lead one back to a path of balance that our spirit longs for and knows.
Treatments include: Acupuncture, Cupping, Essential Oils, Tui Na (massage), and Chinese Herbs.
Specializes in treating:
Chronic Pain
Women’s Health issues: including Perimenopausal changes and Fertility
Digestive Disorders
and more. . .
For more information or to make an appointment by phone: 203-243-1805 or via email:
University of Denver: BA
University of Colorado: MSPT
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine: MSTOM
Licensed Acupuncturist and Physical Therapist in CT.